It is vital that New York voters know who Joseph DioGuardi really is and who he supported for over two decades. Hiding behind a façade of traditional conservatism is a leading agitator for the KLA murderers.
At first glance, DioGuardi looks like an appealing choice to New York Republicans. The former congressman from Westchester County is strongly pro-life, pro-manufacturing and anti-illegal immigration. DioGuardi thinks the Iraq War is a mistake and expresses doubt in the wisdom of our presence in Afghanistan.
What DioGuardi does not advertise on his campaign website is that he is the number one lobbyist for the Albanian American Civil League, an organization that for over two decades supported Albanian terrorists like the KLA and aims to create a Greater Albania in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Greece.
The son of an Arbereshe Albanian father and an Italian mother, Joe DioGuardi has been the main lobbyist for the KLA since their terror campaign took off in the late 1980s. DioGuardi raised millions for the KLA, hobnobbed with KLA terrorist leaders, and was the loudest proponent of Kosovo’s push for independence. His second wife is the “human rights” activist Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi who is also a loud agitator for Greater Albania.
During NATO’s assault on Serbia, DioGuardi was pictured burning a Yugoslav flag at a pro-KLA demonstration. The future Senate hopeful was wearing a baseball hat with KLA insignia. If another aspiring senator was photographed at a pro-Hezbollah rally wearing Hezbollah insignia and burning an Israeli flag, his political career would be over immediately and he would be apologizing on every television network of the state. On the other hand, DioGuardi’s support for the genocidal murderers of the KLA is seen as legitimate advocacy.
DioGuardi’s noxious activism also extended to Macedonia. During that country’s September 2001 offensive against the NLA (KLA’s clone in Macedonia) insurgents in the Tetovo region, DioGuardi and his wife demanded that President Bush intervene on the insurgents’ behalf and warned that “massive human rights violations” are taking place. What the duo really demanded was American help in the dismemberment of Macedonia and the creation of another Kosovo-like enclave in the Tetovo region of Macedonia. Like in Kosovo, the creation of yet another part of Greater Albania would be accompanied by burning churches, looted monasteries, and brutally murdered Slav civilians. The DioGuardis had the gall to release their report on September 12, 2001 the day after the NLA’s co-religionist allies attacked the West and murdered thousands of civilians.
It is vital that New York voters know who DioGuardi really is and who he supported for over two decades. Hiding behind a traditional conservatism façade is a main agitator for the murderers of the KLA. When New York voters go to the polls in November, they should keep this in mind.