Srebrenica: The Weight of Chains

We bring you a preview clip of a new documentary, The Weight Of Chains, dealing with the myriad of errors and lies about Srebrenica. It is due to be released later this year; we'll keep you posted.The film's director, Boris Malagurski, has made several films to date, the last one being Kosovo: Can You Imagine?, a controversial documentary exposing how the few remaining Serbs in Kosovo have little or no basic human rights. The film has won several awards at film festivals around the world.
The Weight Of Chains will deal with tough issues concerning the breakup of Yugoslavia and the consequences of a decade of instability and war. The films goal is to present a Canadian perspective on Western involvement in the division of the ethnic groups within Yugoslavia and show that the war was forced from outside: regular people wanted peace. However, extreme fractions on all sides outvoiced the moderates, and even ten years after the last conflict the hatred remains and people continue spreading myths of what really happened in the 1990s.