byronica's blog

“Obama and Romney Bristle From Start Over Foreign Policy,” The New York Times reported on the debate in Boca Raton on October 22. But as Chronicles' Foreign Affairs Editor notes, we were treated to a vacuous, choreographed, and scripted conversation instead.

Chronicles' distinguished foreign affairs editor has a way of exciting controversy. Often the cause is his view of Islam.

On September 22 Politika published a fictitious "Denial by Dr. Srdja Trifkovic" -- an excerpt from The Lord Byron Foundation statement on the affair, taken out of context -- in spite of Dr. Trifkovic's insistence, in a letter to the paper's editor (Sept. 20), that he wanted nothing published under his name in its pages. In the meantime we have received copies of dozens of letters sent to Politika about the case; none have been published. Two eloquent examples follow.

On September 20, 2012, the leading Serbian daily newspaper Politika published a prominently positioned op-ed article in the "Outside Views" section by Dimitrije Vojnov [L.], hitherto known as a minor actor and film critic. The article is criminally slanderous of Srdja Trifkovic.

The Western power centers use the "Republic of Kosovo" as a testing ground for working out the ways to create a quasi-state that could be defined as an abnormal criminal case of global scope. The final goal is reshaping the whole of South East Europe. (

The Arab Spring has shown its true face. Ambassador Christopher Stevens did not create it, but he was directly involved in helping unleash the dormant monster which destroyed him. Every actor in the U.S. foreign policy-making establishment is responsible.
A few weeks ago, two top officials of the US Department of State European Bureau visited Belgrade and Pristina. I speculated at the time that it might be part of a US-led Quint effort to re-orient its approach to settling the issue of north Kosovo. (from

Graveyard humor is a Serbian specialty, so the Serbs elected a former undertaker, Tomislav Nikolic, as president. He beat the incumbent, Boris Tadic, who had spent his eight years in office trying to please the Western powers that have in return done all they could to keep Serbia alone and humiliated.
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning, quipped Churchill in November 1942, following Montgomery’s modest success at El Alamein. The same applies to Tomislav Nikolić’s victory in the second round of Serbia’s presidential election on May 20.