Friday, April 16, 1999 - 18:00 - Monday, April 19, 1999 - 12:30
The Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies
International conference: THE END OF THE AMERICAN CENTURY
Senate House, University of London, Russell Square WC1, 17-18 April 1999
Friday 16 April
6 p.m. Reception, The Waverley House Hotel - Address by Sir Alfred Sherman, “From Cuba to Kosovo”
Saturday 17 April, 8:30 am-5:30 pm Senate House, University of London, Russell Square
8:45-10:15 Panel I: “Is There a New Imperialism?”
Michael Stenton: “Cultural Hegemony”
Thomas Fleming: “The New Evil Empire”
Chairman: Yugo Kovac; Discussant: Samuel Francis
10:30-12:00 Panel II: “Economic Aspects of New Imperialism”
David Hartman: “America’s Economic Challenge”
Hugh Prysor-Jones: “Monetary Politics, Power Politics”
Chairman: Raju Thomas; Discussant: Sir Alfred Sherman
12:15-1:45 Lunch (at the University) - Address by Derek Turner: “A London Political Bestiary”
2:00-3:30 Panel III: “Two Imperial Visions”
Antony Flew: “Liberty or Union”
Christopher Check: “The Improbable Empire: America & NATO”
Chairman: Sir Alfred Sherman; Discussant: Michael Stenton
3:45-5:15 Panel IV: “The Fruits of Empire”
Samuel Francis: “The End of the American Nation”
with Derek Turner and Thomas Fleming
7 for 7:30 Dinner (black tie optional), The Waverley House Hotel
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: “The Euro and the European Future”
Sunday 18 April
9:00-11:00 Final panel and debate: “The Balkans--The 51st American State?”
Raju Thomas “Tools of Trade in NATO’s World”
with Thomas Fleming and Yugo Kovac
11:30-1:30 Plowman’s lunch; informal debate
2:30 Sight-seeing tour of London
Monday 19 April: 10:00-12:00 Meetings with London-based political insiders and journalists
Mr. Christopher Check is the executive vice-president of The Rockford Institute.
Dr. Thomas Fleming is the editor of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and president of The Rockford Institute.
Dr. Antony Flew is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Reading.
Dr. Samuel Francis is a nationally syndicated columnist and a contributing editor to Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.
Mr. David Hartman is president and CEO of Hartland Bank in Austin, Texas, and chairman of the Board of The Rockford Institute.
Mr. Hugh Prysor-Jones, for many years BBC World Service presenter and current affairs analyst, is the director of Television News International (London and Cologne)
Mr. Yugo Kovac is the European coordinator of The Lord Byron Foundation
Sir Alfred Sherman is a writer, journalist, political consultant, and chairman of The Lord Byron Foundation.
Dr. Michael Stenton, director of studies of The Lord Byron Foundation, teaches modern history for the Board of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge.
Dr. Raju G.C. Thomas is a professor of political science at Marquette University in Milwaukee. Wisconsin.
Mr. Derek Turner is the editor of Right NOW!