Eugene Girin

(A review of Ustaša: Croatian Fascism and European Politics, 1929-1945 by Srdja Trifkovic, published in the January issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture)
The new edition of Trifkovic’s work on the genocidal Ustaša–Croatian Revolutionary Movement is a pivotal contribution to modern Balkan studies.
I asked my father in '92 or '93 about who the “good guys” were in the Bosnian War (I had a keen interest in politics at that tender age). “The Serbs, of course! Who else? We [Jews] and they have the same enemies”. I advocated the Serb cause ever since.
It is vital that New York voters know who Joseph DioGuardi really is and who he supported for over two decades. Hiding behind a façade of traditional conservatism is a leading agitator for the KLA murderers.

It is not only in Bosnia and Kosovo that cutthroats such as Ejup Ganić, Ramush Haradinaj, and Hashim Thaci receive the support of the “international community,” as long as they toe the line dictated by Brussels and Washington. A convicted murderer and terrorist is now a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and an elected Romanian senator.